A key leadership attribute here at Harrow is to make a positive contribution to our community, demonstrating consideration for the needs of others, building constructive and effective relationships, and taking responsibility for Harrow’s reputation.
This is highlighted in uncertain times like these, as we give back by helping others out, in small and big ways. Giving back in a meaningful manner extends beyond our pupils to our Harrow community, as our students, staff and parents go above and beyond the call of duty to help those in need during these critical times.
I volunteered by helping out with the nucleic acid test in my community. Harrow Shanghai’s curriculum focuses on leadership and reminds me that I need to contribute to society and help others in need. I have the obligation both as a Harrow Shanghai student and as a Shanghai citizen to do my part.
During this special period, I witnessed how hard the medical personnel and volunteers worked. Everyone was overwhelmed, but each small effort became one big, united effort so that everything ran smoothly. I am thankful for this opportunity to give back.
Tom Y, Remove Student (Year 10)
In my volunteer role, I helped maintain order and distance during the PCR tests in my compound. All the volunteers in our community are united in front and I am touched by the mutual help offered by neighbours during this difficult time. The most memorable moment for me was when the doctors completed our tests at 8pm and had to rush off to the next community – they insisted on returning to Kunshan to eat and sleep in order not to use up the precious resources in Shanghai – that brief exchange really touched me and I sincerely thank them for their all efforts!
Chao Lin, Harrow Parent
I started volunteering in my community because I had some spare time on my hands, and felt it was a good way to demonstrate Harrow’s value of iCare.
This has been an invaluable experience for me, as I realised that when you give, you gain a lot in the process as well. The most touching moment for me was helping the elderly with their emotional and physical needs.
Sharon Si, Learning Support Assistant
In my volunteer work, I helped others in my community register to obtain the required QR code, especially the elderly and foreigners, and dispensed kits to different units. As I am Shanghainese, I want to give back to Shanghai and it also gives me the opportunity to exercise and be useful during these difficult times.
Michael Wang, Catering Manager
A lot of the people in my building (especially the volunteers) have been really kind to me, as I am the only person who doesn’t speak Chinese in my building, so many of them have been translating messages for me and including me in the group food orders. I felt that I wanted to repay some of the kindness, especially as most of the volunteers in my compound are retired and they were spending hours carrying heavy deliveries to each door. Volunteering has really helped me to feel better as I can now go outside, whilst also helping the people in my community. In a way it’s helped me get some control in a situation where we don’t have much control and that’s really helped me to feel better.
Neve Mealey, Teacher & Year Group Coordinator

Our pupils are also helping others out in different ways.
Our littlest Harrovians are encouraged to help out at home by contributing to daily household jobs, such as tidying up and washing clothes. Studies have shown that children who contribute to daily household tasks, no matter how small, feel part of a team and gain a sense of pride in the work that they do. Even 18-month-olds can positively contribute to their family!

Our Pre-Prep pupils teach others to try to learn new skills. By sharing videos in their area of expertise or interest, their friends and families have the opportunity to learn something new and learn from each other.
Our Prep School has collaborated to visualise concepts on how to help the school community and the world to become a better place through their service posters.

All our Senior School pupils participate in community service activities to help others. This hasn’t stopped during virtual schooling and includes contributing to a study guide to share with fellow Harrovians around the world, giving a family member a shoulder massage, babysitting, or calling on a lonely neighbour. Some students also read stories out loud for our young Harrovians.
We are so thankful that our Harrow pupils and extended community continue to spread positivity in uncertain times. It makes a world of difference and inspires others to look out, support and encourage each other. What a wonderful way to give back in times of need!