Here at Harrow, our premise is that our pupils learn by participating. Our robust ECA programme provides students boundless opportunities to discover their talents (whether it be in golf, art, Chinese Calligraphy, music, or drama, to name a few) By being exposed to as many things as possible, our pupils thereby discover their passions, develop their talents, and grow their confidence – a development pathway that creates leaders of tomorrow!

Our inclusive ECA programme is an integral part of our commitment to holistic education. All our pupils, from 18 months through to 18 years old, participate in ECA activities four times a week.
This allows our little ones to discover their gifts from a young age, while our older children continue to try new things and refine their talents in particular areas of interest.
Our Senior pupils also thrive on the opportunity to create and lead their own ECAs.
Our children are exposed to boundless opportunities to develop skills across a wide range of activities, such as sports, drama, Chinese culture, and competitions. Our 100+ ECA offerings allow children to understand where their skills, passions and talents lay.

Even with the start of virtual schooling, our ECA programme charges forward – we continue to offer a variety of activities including science experiments, fitness classes, learning new skills like cooking and fun, relaxing games like British Bingo.
Our students strive to excel in activities where their passions lay, and often lead by example, inspiring others along the way.
Its takes courage to challenge yourself to try something new, whether it be a new sport, performing in front of others, or participating in a competition. The courageous process of trying, failing, and exceling is all part of the learning process.
By participating in a variety of activities, our students understand that they are learning all the time. Through their interactions & involvement, they are inspired to learn from and encourage each other.
Our interactive activities allow pupils to come together as a team, look after one another and enjoy learning and growing together.

“The ECA programme is an integral part of the education that our pupils experience at Harrow Shanghai and taking part in these activities outside the classroom allows them to become confident, flexible and resilient young adults. The activities add value, enrich knowledge and tap into unknown potential. We aim to engage, inspire and extend pupil experiences in the hope of finding their passion.”
Gray Lyons
Director of ECA
Our ECA programme is one aspect of Harrow’s unique holistic school education that nurtures every child to be the best individual they can be. As our pupils develop passion, curiosity, and ability, they thrive and develop character and skills that will last a lifetime.